SPRI has opened the 2019 call of the Hazitek program, which supports Industrial Research Projects or Experimental Development of SMEs and large companies in the C.A. from the Basque Country.

For any questions or help in preparing proposals, you can contact us through Juan Iglesias, project manager at NAIDER: jiglesias@naider.com


Support for carrying out Industrial Research or Experimental Development Projects, both of a competitive and strategic nature, in the business sector of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, and in the fields of specialization framed in the Science, Technology and Innovation Plan, Euskadi 2020.


– Companies: Large Companies or SMEs.
– Business groups and associations, regardless of their legal form.
– In the case of projects to launch new scientific and technological companies, the Agents of the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Network will also be beneficiaries.


Applications can be submitted until March 14, 2019.