The work of the stork

Investments in Spain in newly created companies or startups, also known as “venture capital”, have grown by 42% compared to 2014. If the pace is not slowed down in the remainder of the year, the invested capital could rise to 500 million euros, figures never before seen in Spain.

As expected, the largest percentage of invested capital has gone to technology-based companies, from telecommunications to robotics. Despite the positive data, Javier Ulecia, founding partner of Bullnet Capital, one of the companies dedicated to business investment, affirms that Spain still has a long way to go, especially as far as bureaucracy is concerned.

Even so, according to Ulecia himself, it is not only necessary to look at the figures invested, but also the productivity of the invested capital, that is, what happens to startups once they go on the market, in this section , the data also shows hopeful signs, since less than twenty of the companies that need more than 4 million euros of investment close annually, apparently positive data.