On the 20th and 21st of this #OctubreUrbano, Naider participated in the URBAN DAYS event held at the Universidad Laboral de Gijón.
Organized by the URBACT National Point (transversal landscape) together with the city council of Gijón, the two days of URBAN DAYS were oriented to:

– present examples, challenges and opportunities linked to the future of the European Sustainable Urban Development (SUD) and Local Urban Agenda (ULA) programs,
– analyze current and future financing options around various themes: housing, #UrbanRegeneration, sustainability or mobility.
– implement multilevel dialogue between cities, organizations and entities at local, supra-municipal, state and international level, such as the European Commission’s Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO), the European Urban Initiative and the Urban Innovative Actions (UIA), the New European Bauhaus, the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, the Ministry of Finance and Public Function, the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) or the citiES2030 mirror group.

As part of the practical work organized, Haizea Aguirre Puértolas, senior urban planner at Naider, moderated and energized one of the working tables on Local Urban Agendas, where municipal representatives and stakeholders shared their experiences and pooled lessons learned and future challenges in relation to the new strategic frameworks for sustainable cities and urban areas.