All partners, and representatives of the living labs of the ten coastal cities participating in SCORE, met in June 2023 at the premises of the Universitat d’Alacant for the 2nd consortium meeting, which marked the halfway point of the project. It was an opportunity to review the progress of the previous two years and share learnings, as well as to coordinate the next steps and schedule for the coming year.

In the previous weeks, the second round of workshops had started in each of the living labs, with the participation of the respective local stakeholders (representatives of public administration, private sector, academia and citizens) to proceed with the selection of the Ecosystem-Based Solutions to be implemented as a pilot experience for climate adaptation in coastal cities and regions.

No less important in the trajectory of the SCORE project in the last exercise has been the delivery of the Operational Plan or POP with the guiding bases to implement a Living Lab and improve climate adaptation in coastal cities addressed to the cities that are not leaders in the WP2 package.

SCORE, funded by the European Horizon call, started in 2021 and will end in 2025. With a total of 28 partners, Naider is co-leader of work package WP2 together with IHS-Erasmus University of Rotterdam, on the design, implementation and evaluation of living labs, and we participate in work package WP7 on the socio-economic evaluation of the ecosystem-based solutions adopted.

During the four years of the project, SCORE aims to support the adaptation to climate change of ten European coastal cities. To this end, on the one hand, it will develop models of past climate events to understand the context. In addition, both current and future risk will be characterised. Based on this analysis, the project proposes the design and pilot application of Ecosystem-Based Solutions to support the adaptation of coastal cities. To this end, cost-benefit assessments, citizen science platforms and Digital Twins of cities will be developed to monitor urban centres and be able to anticipate possible climate events.