Last Thursday, 22 February, the regional meeting of the Basque Network of Sustainable Municipalities Udalsarea 2030 took place in Ribabellosa with technical and political representation from the Cuadrilla de Añana region and the town councils that make it up: Armiñón, Ribera Alta, Iruña de Oca, Kuartango, Ribera Baja, Valdegovía and Zambrana. The meeting space served to share knowledge and exchange experiences and solutions for the promotion of sustainable local action.

The main lines of work of Udalsarea 2030 -climate and energy, circular economy and bioeconomy, green procurement and contracting, soil protection, waste prevention and management, zero pollution and health- and the services offered to local entities for the promotion of sustainable local action and the 2030 local agenda in the Basque Country were presented at the meeting. On the part of the Cuadrilla municipalities, the actions carried out in environmental matters were presented.

In particular, Udalsarea 2030 presented the project to convert the Sobrón Water Museum into the first Ekoetxea located in Araba, as well as the project to transform an old salt warehouse in Añana into an Ekoetxea. Both centres will join the four that make up the Basque Government’s Ekoetxea network of environmental facilities (Urdaibai and Meatzaldea, in Bizkaia; and Txingudi and Azpeitia, in Gipuzkoa).

Naider attended the event as part of our mission to assist Udalsarea 2030 in promoting sustainable public action in environmental matters, Agenda 2030, and green public procurement.