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There is no longer any excuse for ignoring the fact that Europe is facing an existential challenge and that, if it does not act, it will hardly be able to preserve its social model and its values. We all know that Europe is not doing well, but until Letta and, more blatantly, Draghi put it…
Jokin Etxebarria Alvarez (Gatika, 1992). He graduated in Economics from the Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea and has an MSc in Business & Management from the Aston Business School. He joins the NAIDER project to strengthen the team’s skills in the field of economic analysis and strategic planning. During his career as an analyst, he has participated…
The Department of Economic Promotion, Rural Affairs and Territorial Balance of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa has modified the 2019 call for the granting of subsidies to promote the transformation of the company towards the Smart Mobility Industry concept, particularly in the activity sectors related to electromobility, energy storage and the vehicle autonomous. Term: 40…
The Department of Economic Promotion, Rural Affairs and Territorial Balance of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa has modified the 2019 call for the granting of subsidies for management improvement projects aligned with the Basque Advanced Management Model that result in an improvement in the competitiveness of companies. Recipient: companies in Gipuzkoa that are industrial, related…
The Department of Economic Promotion, Rural Affairs and Territorial Balance of the Gipuzkoa Provincial Council has launched the < a href="https://egoitza.gipuzkoa.eus/gao-bog/castell/bog/2019/03/04/c1901226.pdf">2019 call for the granting of subsidies to support projects aimed at development of new products, technologies or applications, aimed at the Advanced Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 market. The bonuses are awarded to projects that…
The Department of Economic Promotion, Rural Affairs and Territorial Balance of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa has launched the 2019 call for the concession of «technological bonds» for the execution of projects that promote innovation in Gipuzkoan SMEs. The bonuses are awarded to projects that incorporate the Advanced Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 model or correspond…
Basque Environment Report 2019 Naider has presented his project to carry out the Environment Report for the Basque Country, based on the specific environmental reports prepared in recent years and taking as reference the Evaluation of the Environmental Framework Program (prepared by Naider) and the Environmental Report developed by AEMA annually. If you want to…
The Department of Environment and Hydraulic Works of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa has launched the 2019 call of subsidies for actions that promote sustainability and environmental improvement in the Territory. It has three eligible lines: Waste and Circular Economy Energy efficiency and renewable energy Development of public policies to comply with the SDGs and…
SPRI has opened the 2019 call of the Hazitek program, which supports Industrial Research Projects or Experimental Development of SMEs and large companies in the C.A. from the Basque Country. For any questions or help in preparing proposals, you can contact us through Juan Iglesias, project manager at NAIDER: jiglesias@naider.com Objectives Support for carrying out…
The Department of Transport, Mobility and Territory Cohesion of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia has launched the 2019 call for subsidies for the development of urban planning instruments. The aid subsidizes the review of urban planning plans, and also the strategic environmental assessments associated with said plans. Addressee: Bizkaia town halls with fewer than 7,000…