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In collaboration with the Oarsoaldea Development Agency, the work to energize and give content to the Oarsoaldea Energy Office. This action is framed within the 2020 Energy Plan of the Oarsoaldea region. If you want to know more about this or other related projects, click here or contact us.
For the second consecutive year, Naider’s team has accompanied IHOBE in the management and evaluation of environmental improvement projects presented by Basque companies. If you want to know more about this or other related projects, click here or contact us.< /p>
Can you imagine leaving home with only your mobile? What seemed like a crazy idea a few years ago is not so much today, thanks to the so-called “internet of things” effect, actions as simple as paying for a product seem to evolve. The reason; the mobile phone, the “virtual wallets” are taking over traditional…
The good news comes to us, in this case, from Germany. The German country has decided to close all power plants that operate under the power of coal, to be more exact, lignite, a kind of coal. The action falls within the plan of the German government that has promised to reduce CO2 emissions by…
The unbridled growth of cities in recent times has had devastating consequences for rivers in many world cities that have seen pollution grow at the same time as the metropolis. Fortunately, thanks to the plans carried out as a result of public awareness, many of them are beginning to be cleaned up and even some…
The price of oil falls to the lows of March of this year, the reason; excess supply. It seems hard to believe, but it is true, an excess supply of crude oil has caused a barrel of Brent to fall below 45 dollars, something that does not happen very often. According to Goldman Sachs, an…
What doesn’t kill you makes you fat…… in this case it seems that the wise Spanish proverb should be updated since, as they explain to us from World Resources Institute chocolate is capable of both giving the scale more work and “killing” the environment. The reason; The unbridled and growing consumption of this good gradually…
Today we want to mention the work carried out by the Inter-American Development Bank, the IDB is a financial entity whose purpose is to finance viable projects for economic, social and institutional development in Latin America. Based in Washington and created in 1959, it tries to carry out its activity in a sustainable and climate-friendly…
There is no evil that does not come for good, the economic crisis has devastated everything that was ahead…both good and bad. Sports such as golf have seen their demand quotas significantly reduced, which has caused the closure of many of these facilities, as we can find out through diaryecology. On a positive note, it…
A world without tickets. It looks like the latest Ken Follet novel, but no. It is the latest “hit” from the Nordic countries, in this case Denmark, which is considering gradually making cash disappear. As of January 2016, all stores that so wish may refuse to sell if the customer requests to pay in cash….