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In a world of constant change, territories compete to attract talent, investment and sustainable development opportunities. In this context, territorial innovation ecosystem observatories have become fundamental tools for understanding and improving the innovation dynamics of a territory. Their importance lies in their ability to generate knowledge, facilitate decision-making and foster cooperation between the different actors…
Industrial sites are fundamental pillars of the local and regional economy, not only because of their contribution to employment and wealth creation, but also because of the revenue they generate for local authorities in the form of taxes. However, for industrial sites to remain competitive and attract business, they need to be properly maintained and…
In 2000, Barcelona City Council launched the 22@ project to transform 200 hectares of declining industrial land in the Poble Nou district. Since its launch, 22@ has attracted more than 4,500 companies, employing almost 60,000 people, most of them highly qualified. Since the project’s inception, it has sought to preserve most of the existing industrial…
Among the activities that make up the services of a local development agency, the development of communication channels and tools for communication with companies is a key element for the success of support services. In this context, NAIDER has a tool for self-diagnosis of a company’s level of competitive maturity. HACEX-Competitiveness Self-Assesment Express Tool is…