Naider has actively participated in the mobilization initiatives
and attraction to the Basque country of talented professionals. a
The first action in this sense was the strategic accompaniment
to the Provincial Council of Bizkaia in the process of launching the
Bizkaia agency: Xede of talent attraction.
Bizkaia: Xede was a public-private initiative
led by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia and
in which universities, centers
technology and major companies in the
territory and that had as its object the attraction
of talented people to Bizkaia.
Later, naider has participated in other initiatives
related to mobility and talent for institutions
Basque as ikerbasque or innobasque. Probably the
most significant has been Naider’s participation in all
the process of defining a recruitment program and
talent retention in Euskadi led by the Government
Basque with the aim of:
1. Attract the best international students in the
Basque universities to take postgraduate courses.
2. Promote the incorporation of these talents in the
Basque companies activating close collaboration between
universities and the local economic fabric.
3. Contribute to spreading business culture abroad
Basque once these professionals have finished their
training and professional experience in Euskadi.
Naider’s work was carried out in different phases. An analysis
of the needs of Basque companies in terms of
to human resources and the local supply of training courses
graduate; an international benchmarking of initiatives
similar in, the definition of the priority lines of
performance of the future attraction and retention program
of talent; and a contrast process with a number
selected from companies and with Basque Universities.
Business Talent Country (video)
Organizer NAIDER