On 28 and 29 September, the Centro Carlos Santamaría of the Ibaeta campus in San Sebastián, within the framework of the summer courses of the University of the Basque Country, will host the First Edition of the Course on Local and Regional Economy “Actions for business revitalisation, economic transformation and entrepreneurship“, a course that will focus on the knowledge of experiences, methodologies and innovative instruments for economic promotion, technological development, business revitalisation and support for entrepreneurship on a local, county and regional scale.

Global dynamics that have a direct impact on the local level

Picture: Lali Masriera, Flickr

Today, there are global dynamics that have a major impact on the economic future of any city or region insofar as they affect the competitiveness of its companies, the qualification of its talent or its capacity for innovation and entrepreneurship. These dynamics have to do with the ecological transition processes of companies, the energy transformation of industry, the challenge of digitalisation, the opportunities of artificial intelligence or the challenges of electromobility, among many other issues. Addressing all of them is a task that, of course, requires the collaborative collaboration of the different institutional levels operating in the same environment, but which, to a large extent, also depends on the determination to act and the capacity to lead processes from the local level.

Business development and the economic dynamism of a city or region depend at all times on the capacity to intervene and transform the levers that shape the global trends that shape business competitiveness. These levers of change are, among others, those that have to do with talent and knowledge; technology and innovation capacity; or the business and entrepreneurial culture existing in a city, a region or a given socio-economic environment.

To ensure that the local and regional economy remains in a permanent process of transformation, reinvention and constant evolution, the institutional agents operating in a given enclave must activate active policies of economic promotion and dynamisation.

Experiences of cities and territories leading processes of change

In this 1st Course on Local and Regional Economy we will have the opportunity to learn about experiences, methodologies and innovative instruments for economic promotion, technological development, business dynamisation and support for entrepreneurship implemented at local, county or regional level.

The Summer Course has experts and academics who will teach us about trends and best practices in all these areas, but we will also learn first-hand about the experiences of cities and territories that are leading processes of change through the implementation of actions that enable creative dynamics of economic revitalisation.

How to participate?

On the website of the University of the Basque Country Summer Courses Foundation you can find all the details of the programme and registration, which also has a reduced price of 50% for various professional groups and social groups.

Main picture: Maria Teneva, Unsplash