The course, organised by the Basque Employment Agency, Bidasoa Activa – Bidasoa Bizirik and La Salle Irun, was oriented towards the transfer of the competences addressed to the local public administration.

The course “Sustainability, Energy Efficiency and Urban Mobility” was given by Naider in the training centre of La Salle Irun, organised by the Basque Employment Agency (Lanbide), Bidasoa Activa – Bidasoa Bizirik and the centre itself.

The training programme of the course was aimed at providing the participants with the necessary resources to transfer the learning of the skills addressed to the field of public administration, as well as to provide them with the necessary knowledge to be able to offer basic information on sustainability and energy efficiency to citizens.

The first week of the course dealt with the different concepts related to sustainability. The second week continued with energy issues, ending the course with the last block related to sustainable mobility.