Since 2019, Naider has offered the Bilbao City Council a technical assistance service in the implementation and development of the Bilbao Environmental Strategy. In these three years of relationship, the main task has consisted of developing the methodologies and tools for calculating the Base Line and the three Lines of Action contemplated by the strategy: Carbon neutrality; Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Change; and Environmental Health. In addition, during this time other functions have also been carried out, such as the evaluation of the Sustainable Energy Action Plan (PAES), the Green Public Procurement Report (CCPV), the Environmental Positioning Report (IPA), the Ecological Footprint Report , in addition to general advice on environmental and sustainability issues that are the responsibility of the institution.

To be able undertake the magnitude of the developments of the measurement system of the Line Base an important work of organization of the information was carried out, structuring a panel of indicators of very diverse nature and origin of the data. In the tasks of organizing the information, we work in collaboration with BilbaoTIK, a municipal public company that manages all information technology services, in line with the process of digitization/smartization in which the City Council is immersed. He The result is an important table of indicators with historical data of the municipality that allow us to know the evolution of areas such as energy, mobility, air quality, population affected by noise, waste, areas green, among many others.