Bikes first

The Danish capital, a city where 40% commute to work by bicycle, comes close to the idea of ​​a paradise for urban cyclists. However, as reported by Wired, the Copenhagen authorities are not satisfied, and want to increase the number of residents who leave their cars in the garage. The city will invest €6.2 million in a “Intelligent Transportation Systems Action Plan” which includes the installation of 380 traffic lights capable of detecting, and prioritizing, the traffic of buses and bicycles at intersections.

The idea is to improve the attractiveness of “green” means of transport by reducing “loss of time”: it is estimated that the duration of urban bus trips will be between 5% and 20% shorter, while cyclists they will take 10% less to reach their destination. The idea of ​​intelligent traffic lights that make decisions on the fly is not new; what is new is that bicycles and buses are placed hierarchically above cars.

The plan is part of the Danish capital’s ambitious goal of being carbon neutral by 2025.