_MG_0011QUINTAS modifVitoria-Gasteiz demonstrated once again to world citizens its concern for sustainability and preservation of the environment with the celebration of the “Conferences on climate change Administration, citizenship and companies: Shared responsibility” which was held held at the Palacio Europa on June 3 and 4. The sessions were the result of joint work between the Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council, the Department of the Environment, Territorial Planning, Agriculture and Fisheries of the Basque Government, and the Basque Energy Agency.Naider collaborated with the organizers by performing scientific secretariat functions. The event was attended by around 200 experts and citizens concerned about one of the problems that afflicts humanity, Climate Change.

The conference began with the inaugural speech by the Secretary of State for Climate Change, Teresa Ribera Rodríguez. The expert praised the green actions of the Álava capital. For Ribera, Vitoria-Gasteiz is a magnificent example of the complicity and pride of the residents and the intelligence of its municipal leaders, since they have been able to build on the best of their predecessors and contribute an enriched legacy to those who will continue with their management. According to the Secretary of State for Climate Change “Vitoria-Gasteiz has a very long tradition of responsibility and a sense of solidarity and that does not go unnoticed. It deserves an award and recognition”.

But the Secretary of State for Climate Change was not the only one in charge of inaugurating the event. Pilar Unzalu, Minister of the Environment, Regional Planning, Agriculture and Fisheries of the Basque Government also participated both in the opening and in subsequent exhibitions. Unzalu, in his speech, in addition to analyzing the current situation in the Basque Country, expressed his commitment to the regions taking joint responsibility”in the European objective of reducing CO2 emissions by 20% by 2020, although “we have no binding commitments”. Along these lines, the counselor highlighted the need for “strong political leadership” that makes it possible to establish the sustainability criteria in a transversal manner to all government actions, something that in the case of the Basque Country It is reflected in the Urdaibai Declaration of June 2009 and in the strategy that emanates from it: EcoEuskadi 2020.

Another prominent speaker at the conference was the Deputy Minister for the Environment, Nieves Terán. His presentation focused on the Basque Law on Climate Change. According to Terán, this law will be based on the Basque Plan to Fight Climate Change, which will be the “essential instrument” when determining the measures to be adopted in the different productive sectors to reduce carbon emissions. CO2 into the atmosphere and get closer to the Euskadi “low carbon” for which the Basque Government is committed. As reported by the deputy minister, in order to contrast the initial contents of this law, the Environment Advisory Council and the Basque Country Environmental Commission will be convened shortly, bodies in which it is intended to coordinate the different measures with the provincial councils, EUDEL (Euskadiko Udalen Elkarte/Association of Basque Municipalities) , and agents representing civil society. In addition, an information and participation process has been opened so that citizens can contribute their proposals to this future Basque Law on climate change.

With a large number of attendees and an excellent cast of speakers, the“Conferences on Climate Change: Administration, Citizenship and Business” made clear the great importance that cities have in the fight against climate change. climate. In this sense, in addition to Vitoria-Gasteiz, examples of other nearby places where important experiences in the field of climate change are being developed were disclosed.

Vitoria-Gasteiz, a sustainable city
Vitoria-Gasteiz has achieved notable national and international recognition in recent years for its environmental sustainability policies. The city of Alava adhered in January 2009 to the European initiative on climate called the Covenant of Mayors promoted by the European Commission. It is an initiative that seeks the direct involvement of European cities in the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions. The main requirement to be part of the initiative is the formal commitment of the city to reduce its emissions by the year 2020 by at least 20% compared to those of the reference year 1990. In addition, Vitoria-Gasteiz has been nominated for be European Green Capital 2012 and 2013, a title that recognizes local efforts in environmental issues.

From Naider we would like to thank all the attendees for their participation in the conference, the speakers for the excellence of their presentations and Vitoria-Gasteiz for being a clear example of a sustainable city!
Milesker guztioi!

You can see the images of the conference HEREand if you want more information at:
