When we talk about Eco-innovation, to find the first references we must go back to 1998 in the book by Claud Fussler and Peter James. In it, the authors gave it a connotation of social advancement. Today, one can already speak of an established concept that has greater precision. Translated to the business world and in accordance with the Guide for eco-innovation in the company published by Fundación Forumambiental:
“Eco-innovation is about changing consumption and production patterns and market acceptance of technologies, products and services that reduce our impact on the environment.
…eco-innovation is the development of a new business strategy that incorporates sustainability in all business operations under a life cycle approach and cooperation throughout the value chain. It involves a coordinated set of modifications or new solutions to products (goods/services), processes, market approach and the organizational structure that leads to better performance and the competitiveness of the company.”
Eco-innovation encompasses both innovation technological (product and process) and non-technological (organization, market, business model), as long as it includes key elements such as novelty, additionality and net environmental improvement. Through eco-innovation in the company should try to take advantage of business opportunities that sustainability provides. In turn, integrate eco-innovation in the company, It will reduce costs and increase competitive advantage.
Any company, regardless of the size or sector, you can venture into the eco-innovation process. Yes indeed, requires leadership and conviction that is implanted in the culture of the company and that you should be open-minded and receptive. It’s all about seeing the business as a whole and under a life cycle approach to be able to detect opportunities.
Some of the benefits provided by eco-innovation are:
- Gain market share.
- Cost reduction.
- Be prepared against emerging regulations.
- Attract funding.
- Increase productivity
As for examples we have multiple, such as they can be:
The French agri-food multinational has promoted the development of the SAP Carbon Footprint project, whose objective is to manage the footprint of carbon through innovation and new technologies. p>
The beer company Mahou San Miguel began in 2009 to implement ecodesign in its containers and packaging to reduce material consumption (cardboard, plastic, metal and glass). It has also reduced water and energy consumption by automating cleaning processes. Within the framework of the circular economy, the company seeks to take advantage of any waste generated in the processes. For example, it reuses cleaning water, produces energy (biogas) from wastewater, and takes advantage of the by-products of the beer manufacturing process (bagasse and yeast) as livestock feed.
The Orona company, dedicated to the activity of elevators, presented its new 3G cabins in 2013, that incorporate technologies such as the recovery and storage of braking energy, new concepts of materials and configuration of the cabin and a new lifting system without counterweights, among others. It is necessary to promote the culture of eco-innovation to generate changes in business strategies in pursuit of the ecological transition. To achieve this, companies must be supported in eco-innovation and eco-design business projects. The “Basque Ecodesing Center” is a clear example of an established center that works to promote the incorporation of ecodesign methodologies in the industrial fabric. Not only in order to increase competitiveness, but because society itself demands it.
It is necessary to promote the culture of eco-innovation to generate changes in business strategies in pursuit of the ecological transition. To achieve this, companies must be supported in eco-innovation and eco-design business projects. The “Basque Ecodesing Center” is a clear example of an established center that works to promote the incorporation of ecodesign methodologies in the industrial fabric. Not only in order to increase competitiveness, but because society itself demands it.