On Monday, January 28, 2019, the Ekian project, which will be the largest photovoltaic energy park in the C.A. Euskadi and the Cantabrian coast. The facility will be located on 55 hectares in the Arasur logistics platform, in the Ribera Bajas town of Álava, and with its 67,000 355-watt panels it will generate 24MW of electrical power.

The project, which was born from the public-private collaboration between the Basque Energy Agency and the private group Krean (Mondragon Corporation), has the adhesion of 21 companies from different fields. Its overall investment will be 24 million euros. The participating companies will own part of the power installed, and will receive an economic benefit from its commercialization. The installation will double the solar power injected into the electrical grid in the Basque Country.