The European Green Deal is the new growth strategy for Europe. It pursues economic growth decoupled from carbon emissions through the integration of the ecological variable in all strategic policies.
In recent years, a major effort has been made to decarbonise the European economy, which has led the continent to achieve practically all the objectives expected for 2020: 20% improvement in energy efficiency, a 20% share of renewables in final consumption, and a 20% reduction in CO2 emissions.

Now, the most polluting European sectors from the point of view of CO2 emissions are (in order of emission) transport, housing and industry. This reality puts Europe on the ropes if it wants to reach the Paris agreements and the commitment to be Carbon Neutral by 2050, since the most polluting sectors are also the most difficult to transform.
Aware of this, Europe has thrown a crack at fossil fuels by putting on the table a financial mechanism that will guarantee the Energy Transition, and will mobilize at least €100 billion in investment and specific support for the regions, and key sectors for the transition towards a new emission-free economy. Within the Sustainable Europe Investment Plan investment will be made in the strategic axes that allow an accelerated transition towards a low-carbon economy, with innovative technologies and a first-rate environmental commitment. These axes are the following:
- Environmentally friendly technologies
- Supporting industry for industrial innovation
- Deployment of cleaner, cheaper and more efficient public and private transport systems. healthier
- Decarbonisation of the energy sector
- Advocacy to make buildings more energy efficient
- Collaboration with international partners for new standards and agreements
The axes are found within seven priority areas of action (in green in the image) established within the Green Pact or Green Deal, which will be where the main efforts are focused at least over the next ten years and through which it is expected to transform all sectors of the economy.