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IK4- IKERLAN has become part of the ANTARES network (Advanced Training and Research in efficient Smart Structures), launched to train researchers who are capable of transferring their knowledge to the production of intelligent and energy efficient structures in the future. The ultimate goal is to produce structures that generate a smaller ecological footprint while remaining competitive in terms of performance, safety or functionality. This training network will promote the mobility of researchers, helping them to participate in courses organized by the different partners of the consortium. In addition, multidisciplinary training will be emphasized.

The thesis that IK4-IKERLAN will co-supervise within the framework of the new network will focus on implementing methods to extract and reuse as much energy as possible from environmental vibration. New energy efficient transducers used in energy control and storage will be developed and new autonomous control systems will be defined to reduce noise, vibration and energy consumption by reducing the structural mass. The integrity and reliability of the structures will be guaranteed by specific monitoring methods.