We spend most of our time inside buildings, so home and office interiors play a critical role in our well-being. Along these lines, better lighting, ventilation, and temperature control improve the cognitive performance of workers and reduce incidences of “sick building syndrome,” according to a recent study by Center for Health and the Global Environment at Harvard University collecting The Guardian.

The research looked at people working in green-certified buildings in five US cities, and compared them with other employees at the same companies working in different office buildings, in this case conventional buildings, in the same cities . Workers in green buildings scored 25% higher in a decision-making simulation exercise. Likewise, through sensors it was possible to measure that workers in sustainable offices sleep better at night, which indicates that the architecture of the workplace has an impact beyond the eight hours a day that they spend there.

Employees in green buildings present 30% fewer symptoms associated with the so-called sick building syndrome, such as headaches or visual or respiratory irritation. The certified buildings were better ventilated, with lower levels of CO2 and chemical components in the air, and were also better illuminated with greater use of natural light, which has a significant impact on daily biorhythms. Finally, the study also suggests that subjective aspects such as the aesthetics of spaces have positive effects on the psychology and happiness of workers.