Hamburger CO2 bis_0Max Burger, the main fast food chain in Sweden, has spent more than two years estimating the CO2 emissions generated by its activity; in fact on their website they offer detailed information on the tons of CO2 whose emission is associated with each menu item, including beverages and sides. Like calories or ingredients, this information is made visible in its restaurants; In a way, it could be said that the company itself is transmitting to its customers that they should eat less meat, as recognized by one of those responsible in statements to the BBC.

Although the measure can be understood as a mere greenwashing, the truth is that Max Burger is responding to a growing demand for information on the environmental impact of the goods we consume, an issue much more rooted in the Nordic countries of Europe.

In addition, also serving a growing vegetarian consumer, the company finds in CO2 one more ally to diversify its products and offer vegetarian or semi-vegetarian hamburgers. Internally, a rigorous estimate of the emissions generated by each product is a good line of work for, analyzing energy consumption throughout the entire production chain, optimizing processes and identifying those suppliers that can contribute to reducing calls foodprint.

One such supplier of Max Burgers could be Lantmännen (unverified), also a Swedish company bakery and pastry offering a kind of ” climate sheet” for each of its products; Undoubtedly, a highly developed social and environmental responsibility policy.

Two examples of eco-innovation applied to the field of food, going beyond official certifications and regulations (although Lantmännen also follows the criteria of the ISO 14025) and even emerging in an environment with a highly conscious consumer, they can be a good inspiration for other companies to generate new products and review production models and marketing strategies.

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