Today, we want to share with you the keys to COP21, for which we are preparing. We hope that they will help you to orient yourself within the gibberish of terms, agreements and organizations:

  • Main objective: a binding agreement that you manage the process of decarbonizing the economy so that the increase in temperature does not exceed two degrees above the pre-industrial level.
  • The pact also contemplates how to collaborate in adapting to the inevitable effects of climate change.
  • The new agreement will replace the Kyoto Protocol, entering into force in 2020, and lasting until 2050. If the agreement is reached, it must be ratified between 2015 and 2020 by the signatory countries.
  • The new agreement will include obligations for all countries, and will cover 100% of emissions.
  • 170 countries have already submitted their proposed emission reduction commitments to the UN. However, these would limit the increase in temperature to 2.7ºC, below the target set.
  • It has been proposed to review the objectives and commitments every five years, in order to adapt and increase the level of ambition progressively.
  • The International Energy Agency estimates that an investment of 13.5 trillion will be required to achieve the objectives.
  • This deal will mark the beginning of the end for fossil fuels.
  • The main points of disagreement are financing, the differentiation between rich and poor countries, and the ambition of the agreement.
  • The political moment has never been more favourable, with China and the US having signed a bilateral commitment and the G7 having declared their commitment. Even the Pope and Muslim leaders have called for action and expressed their commitment to change
  • The technological moment is also right, with abundant alternatives, falling prices for renewable energy, and commitment to change from within the industry.
  • There is a lot of skepticism, after the great disappointment of the COP in Copenhagen in 2009.
  • Some scientists believe it is already too late.
