Sixth day of COP21.

On Friday night, Naider was at the Grand Palais, which will act throughout the second week of COP21 as an alternative center for the presentation and dissemination of innovation initiatives on climate change. Present at the inauguration were, among others, Anne Hidalgo (Mayor of Paris9, François Hollande (President of the French Republic) and Ban Ki Moon (UN Secretary General).


Naider wanted to be present at the reception held by the initiatory Climate KIC (the world’s largest public-private partnership for climate innovation). The founders of three of the most promising initiatives arising from this initiative were present there: CarbonOro, Evolution Energy and e-volo, speaking about the problems of development, scaling and market access for innovative start-ups. A panel of speakers which included Mary Robinson (former Prime Minister of Ireland) and James Close (Director of the World Bank Climate Change Group). The main theme: the need for innovation and the difficulties for its access to the market. However, despite the emphasis on difficulties, all participants agreed on the progress Climate KIC has made as an innovation catalyst for change during its five years of existence, the quality of the innovations that have emerged, and the potential to growth and success of future innovations.


Naider will participate next week in more events organized by Climate KIC, related to urban and agricultural innovation.


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