Keep it in the ground is a campaign promoted by The Guardian which aims to raise awareness among two of the largest international foundations (The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Wellcome Trust of Jeremy Farrar and Sir William Castell) to defund and divest all their money from companies dedicated to finding and exploiting new sources of fossil fuel , gas and coal. Inspired by the American journalist and environmental leader Bill Mckibben, the idea that large institutions with power should be placed within please do not promote these destructive of the environment is increasingly having greater impact.

Indeed the foundation of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, invests in scientific research and development projects and the Wellcome Trust focuses on projects and initiatives related to health. Paradoxically, they also do it in this type of oil companies, what a disservice they do to the environment.

Calling oneself a philanthropist and investing in this sector is contradictory to say the least, which is why this campaign calls on these two great institutions to redirect their funds towards more uplifting and ecologically responsible investments, joining a broader clamor for regeneration at scale. planetary and commitment to renewable energy.

To date, 137,000 people have already signed the campaign manifesto, which is also supported by 350, (Amount of ppm to which CO2 levels must be reduced to be sustainable) movement that brings together international projects and initiatives (188 countries around the world) focused on climate change.