rReducing deficit

There is no harm that does not come for good, with the arrival of the “unwelcome” economic crisis, ordinary citizens automatically become expert economists; technical words such as risk premium, recession or inflation were an inherent part of our vocabulary. Taking advantage of this acquired knowledge and without stopping talking about the crisis, we would like to echo the latest data provided by the ICEX; Spain has reduced, for the first time since the start of the crisis, the trade deficit in the first half of 2015, thanks to the increase in exports.

With this we do not mean that Spain sells more than it buys, since the net value of imports continues to be greater than that of exports, but rather that there has been a clear drop in the trade deficit compared to the same semester of 2014.

By autonomous communities, the one that has obtained the best results has been Aragon followed by the Balearic Islands and Castilla la Mancha, closing the list is Andalusia.