Imagine combining the services of public transport with the environmental benefits provided by alternative energies, okay, now you can open your eyes. Belgium will try to promote the use of high-speed trains powered by solar energy, once again the countries of northern Europe are pioneers when it comes to ecological awareness.
These trains will be equipped with up to 16,000 solar panels along the 3.4 kilometers in length that the railways measure. The project, which has been dubbed the “sun tunnel”, will not yet be able to be supplied solely with renewable energy. even so, it represents a great advance in the area of sustainable transport.
The first route that the convoys will cover will be the section that separates Amsterdam from Paris with a frequency yet to be determined. Regarding the savings in CO2 emissions, it is estimated that it will be around 2,400 tons per year, while the infrastructure has required an investment of 15.7 million euros.