40 solutions towards the circular economy

The Institute of Technology of the University of Deusto, DeustoTech, coordinates the European project < a href="http://energia.deusto.es/projects/info/waste4think/">Waste4Think, which seeks to advance towards a circular economy by applying eco-innovative solutions to waste management in cities. The initiative, which started this week in Bilbao as stated in the SPRI, will last three and a half years and has funding of 9 million euros. 19 partners participate in the consortium, including SMEs, public institutions and universities, as well as Aclima, the Basque Environment Cluster Association.

The project will focus on demonstrating the value of integrating 20 eco-innovative solutions throughout the entire waste value chain. The solutions include IT tools for monitoring, capturing and processing data in real time, mobile applications for the empowerment and participation of citizens, and innovative actions and instruments for awareness and participation. The different solutions will be tested in four locations in Europe: Zamudio in Bizkaia, the Greek town of Halandri, the Italian residential town of Seveso, and the Portuguese resort town of Cascais.

The main impacts that are expected to be obtained are a 20% increase in waste classification, a 10% saving in waste management costs, and a 10% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.