The election of Argentine Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio as Supreme Pontiff of the Catholic Church, among many other things, seems to show the bet of the Roman curia for the Latin American market.
The implacable detachment of European societies from the Roman hierarchy has taken its toll on the Church and it is now directing its gaze towards the thriving Latin American market for souls. In Europe, the stagnant and extemporaneous social proposals of the Church and the slow but tenacious advance of Culture, Intelligence and Knowledge as motors of the European soul in the face of the extramundane spirituality offered by the Church seem to have tipped the balance towards the choice of a Argentine Jesuit, connoisseur of the American lands and knowing that it is still possible to guide the flock towards the Justice of God, whose maximum representatives is himself, and away from the Justice of Man, whose progress also seems undoubted in some Ibero-American societies that they are headed firmly towards a social and legal democracy.
His well-known austerity, his deep spirituality, his closeness to ordinary people and his opposition to the opening movements of the church seem to have been understood by the curia as the best ingredients for the success of his evangelizing mission or, rather, re -evangelizing.
In any case, their message has less and less space and if they do not modify the product, the market will inevitably turn its back on it, as it has already done in Europe. Pray pronobis!