Fredrik Eklund, author of the book The sell and one one of the most prestigious brokers in New York, briefly and precisely explains the importance of time in trading. It is very important to have a plan before starting a negotiation because in this way we will know how and where to move without suffering unforeseen events.
Time plays a really important factor. In a negotiation we have to use all our resources to get where we really want. Time, used correctly, can be a great tool, but it can also really work against us.
One of the main commandments in negotiations is not to play on emotions. This is where time can help us, giving us a breather and a moment to reconsider what the correct decision is. In the video, Eklund explains it to us, giving as an example a case in which he goes to a house and the seller always asks for its price or value. He tries not to give an immediate assessment, since the ideal and efficient thing is not to give the price at the moment because you can be influenced by the euphoria that the house creates in you at that moment. The correct thing is to leave time to reflect and analyze and thus be able to give a correct final verdict and as objective as possible.