The mobile as a book

Guatemalan Luis von Anh has created a mobile application, known as Duolingo, which aims, and has already succeeded in some US states, to become the main tool and benchmark for language students. This startup turns learning a language into a game with defined levels, challenges and objectives, and also collects data from the users themselves to make learning as personal a practice as possible.

The program boasts of not having a didactic rigidity that bores students and at the same time being productive and efficient. What is undeniable is the success that this application has had in the United States, so much so that departments of Harvard University as well as the Colombian government accept the certificates issued by Duolingo.

The program was created after Luis von Anh sold his last company to Google, which left the businessman in a very comfortable economic situation, in his own words “It totally changed my life. Suddenly I no longer had There was no need to work, neither I nor my children, surely. That made me think differently. I began to think about projects more focused on helping people”, hence Duolingo was born, an application that even Hollywood stars like Kevin Bacon use today .