The smart city demands new professionals infopost.htm

The construction of the smart city will create new professional demands. A recent article published by the specialized French media Le Journal du Net settled on this question and listed the new profiles that , both municipalities and companies, will need to supply for the implementation of the smart city. As the article says, even if the technologies are mature, it takes a lot of talent to make them hatch.

Cities will need smart city project management experts capable of understanding technological options, as well as Internet of Things (IoT) consultants specializing in connected objects. In the company, and also around the Internet of Things, there will be a demand for IoT designers who multiply the utility of objects, for IoT technicians who understand the logistics of connected objects, and for IoT network architects – “mappers of the connected object “– who combine knowledge of civil engineering and electrical skills.

For transport, “mobility designers” specialized in smart and connected mobility will be needed, and professionals to plan services around the new business models that are expected to emerge around the car. For intellectual property issues and private data management, there will be a demand for lawyers with specialized technical knowledge in smart cities.

It will also be necessary to have sociologists and ethnologists who know how to reflect on smart city solutions according to the problematic culture of each place, and last but not least, people who do pedagogy about the smart city and do it accessible to everyone.