Ciudad Real A few days ago La Vanguardia echoed a very forceful investigative report by Le Monde on the Ciudad Real airport, which served as an excuse to analyze the waste of public money that in in recent years there have been in Spain. It is an example of the many that could be put (we already talked about the report issued by Cuatro) about how while the party lasted, the hardware mentality, the infrastructures that justify everything , prevailed causing us to lose years of real social progress. While in Spain we were building a country of empty highways -and underused airports- other countries, such as Denmark, strove to deepen their commitment to education and research.

No wonder the French are shocked. And they are not the only ones; according to in “Example of wasting and squandering money in Spain”: The Airport, in the eyes of the international press, before other international media from Switzerland and Holland have analyzed this case.

In the video you can see an excerpt from the report on Swiss public television:

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