2+2 fish

They bring out the colors again, this time in relation to the financial knowledge of young Spaniards. The data recently presented indicates that 16.5% of 15-year-old Spanish students do not reach the basic level of financial skills, since we are able to make simple decisions about daily spending and recognize what an invoice is for, having difficulties interpreting them. .

However, the percentage of this type of student is similar to that of the OECD (15.3%), according to the results of the applied financial knowledge tests of the PISA 2012 International Student Assessment.

Experts from the National Institute for Educational Evaluation (INEE) indicate that the average results in Spain are “mainly” due to a lower percentage of high achievers than in the OECD.

Both Education and families should take good note of this aspect and teach and involve young people more in knowledge and financial management.