
The initiative of the new ruling party in Madrid “Now we can” to create the city free of transgenics has received harsh criticism since before it began to roll. It remains to be discovered if these are scientifically founded or if, on the contrary, large corporations are behind this attack, afraid of losing their share of the pie.

It is true that doctors and scientists have come out against this decision, arguing that this will cause more problems than they are intended to solve, although the proximity of many of these to the leading opposition party raises doubts about their bias on the issue.

The debate on the convenience of transgenics on our tables is neither new nor does it seem that it will be resolved in a short period of time, on the one hand there are those who defend that this new production method could end world famine, on the On the contrary, others defend that we are facing what could become the future focus of major diseases due to its toxicity.