In other of the sins of “The Divine Comedy of I +D+i” byGuiller(Thought in Euskadi) mentions governance and with it, the inability to reach solid consensus on fundamental issues and the difficulties to find the balance in a system that, depending on the prism with which it is looked at, is fundamentally public, private, or private public. Or maybe none of the three above?
I think Guiller knows better than anyone the difficulties that the RVCTI has to function as a network, with its own personality and recognition, with common objectives and articulated nodes for joint work, and he is quite right in the sins he comments. I would like to go a little further, however, and add that the difficulties pointed out have a lot to do with the very diversity and richness of the system for which we surely pay a price in terms of management difficulties.
There are very varied Departments and from public and private Universities, Technology Centers of very different sizes, orientations and natures, and a curious variety of CICs and BERCs that coexist with R&D business centers and other agents in a complex system of governance that is highly intertwined with each other. agents in which companies and public institutions participate in very different proportions. If each one goes their own way and follows their interests, “Houston we have a problem.” But the potential to seek synergies and align critical masses and value chains that add real value to companies and society as a whole is enormous. To do this, I think we will agree that a lot of work will have to be done in the articulation of the network itself and in advanced collaboration systems (probably with variable geometry, depending on specific objectives) that break with the inefficiencies that you point out.
To be continue…