freedom-of-speechYesterday there was the first semifinal of the balonbildu electoral tournament between the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the State Attorney’s Office against the Supreme and Constitutional Courts. Those of the Supreme won by a landslide although, surprisingly, the Prosecutor’s Office and the State Attorney’s Office seemed to be more happy than the winners of the match themselves.

The bildu skilfully passed from hand to hand and inevitably hit the forbidden goal up to nine times. The opposite door, despite the deafening shouting of the media and political fans that accompanied the match and its prolegomena at all times, was seen crossed up to six times by the bildu but the attempts of the most sensible judges were totally insufficient and they lost the match without the possibility of referral.

The image returned to replicate with meridian accuracy what happened in the rooms when the sortu also slipped up to nine times into the forbidden door.

Everything is ready for the grand final that will be played with the urgency and the necessary nightlife to avoid, according to the most prepared analysts, unwanted last-minute surprises.

The simple irony of the previous lines does not detract one iota of gravity from what is happening to the fragile Spanish democracy.

In Euskadi and Navarra, municipal elections will not be universal or fully free. This time it will not be ETA’s weapons that distort the results. Unfortunately, on this occasion, it will be the most important institutional bodies of the State that are going to violate the democratic course of our society by preventing political forces with an impeccable history of fighting against ETA fanaticism from now being victims of a state of emergency. totally unfair, disproportionate and unfair election.

No one should be surprised by the growing disaffection of broad sectors of Basque society with what Spain represents from a political point of view today, precisely in these moments of hope when the end of the ETA nightmare.

Democracy in Spain still has a long way to go to be fully comparable to the ideals it represents. In the next municipal elections, if the referee of the match does not bring some order, to the grievance and denaturalization to which the millions of immigrants who live among us who do not have political rights and are considered second-class citizens are “legally” subjected to. They will now be joined in Euskal Herria by many other tens of thousands of people whose political option has been mutilated in an arbitrary and totally questionable way from a legal point of view.