I wrote a few days ago about the seminar Rethinking urban policy 30 years later and what I am preparing for my presentation. One of these things has to do with the organization of a discussion session using audiovisual materials as an excuse to review the central issues in current urban policies.
We have now completed the selection of videos that will be finally used in the session. It has been necessary to review a large number of very different types of works, choosing the final ones that best fit the structure of the seminar. This setting process has left a huge list of videos I want to share here because, although we will use in the course around 20 videos, many others are of great interest, too.
They vary in focus and perspective, but together (and disordered) compose a good database of videos that are circulating out there and deal with many of the issues urban policies face nowadays.
Public spaces
- Planning for places
- Inhabitat talks to James Corner about the design of the High Line Urban Park
- San Francisco: Removal of the Embarcadero Freeway
- End of advertising sao paulo 2007 july< /li>
- Making Streets Safer for Seniors
- Cities in Focus | New York City
- London’s Do- It-Yourself Approach to Safer Streets
- Planning Sustainable Cities
- Urban farms sprout on NYC rooftops li>
- Jaime Lerner: Sing a song of sustainable cities
- Thomas Ermacora: The metabolic city
- Designing sustainable cities
- Jan Gehl: 3 Qualities of the sustainable city
- Enrique Peñalosa – City of equality
- City Of Dreams – Brazil
- SymbioCity trailer
Collaborative urban narratives
- Recycling the city
- Roquetes, memòries que fan barri
- Documentary Puche + action. Part 1
- Documentary Urban Camera in San Martín de Porres
- Lleida, the transformation of an urban center
- Mobile Voices
- Open Camera DOC Village
Digital cities
- The Future of Connected and Sustainable Cities
- The Next 5 in 5
- A Case for Open Data in Transit
- Connected Urban Development
- Invisible Cities
- The Intelligent City
- The Internet of Things
- Dan Hill-Keynote: New Soft City
- Re-Imagining the Future of Cities. SensableCities Lab (MIT)
- Open Source Cities< /li>
- What if… City scale
- San Francisco Public Transit Data Visualization
- The Copenhagen Wheel – Data Visualization li>
- Tourist density and flows in Barcelona li>
- SENSEable City Realtime Rome: An MIT Project li>
- The City of the Future< /li>
- Future cities – Futuris
Urban economy
- Why cities are ideas factories
- Ed Soja – The Postmodern City
- Growth in Kista Science City – northern Europe’s leading ICT cluster
- Quality of Life trailer
Urban planning
- Urban Sprawl li>
- Ellen Dunham-Jones: Retrofitting suburbia
- The End of Suburbia< /li>
- Built To Last
- American Makeover Episode 1: SPRAWLANTA
- People, Parklets, and Pavement to Parks
- Dashed Lines-Alternatives
- ALL AGE CITY, 10 transformations to urbanize old age a>
- Plantejaments de futur
- Belfast Harbour li>
- Canary Wharf li>
- Zorrozaurre: from port peninsula to post-industrial island
- Urbanism in Malaga
Quality of urban life
- Gentrification animated
- The War on Creativity
- Atopy at the CCCB in Barcelona
- Sevilla video surveillance campaign
- Urban Video Surveillance, Business and Invasion of Privacy< /li>
- Cities on speed
- LOCAL, LOCAL exhibition! The city that sees
Urban mobility
- Copenhagen’s Car-Free Streets & Slow-Speed Zones
- Portland, a Global Model of Transit-Oriented Development a>
- Car free inner city of ‘s-Hertogenbosch (Netherlands) a>
- Richard Sears: Planning for the end of oil< /li>
- Inspired Ethonomics: London’s Transportation
- Cycling Copenhagen, Through North American Eyes
- Via Express in the world
- Transit guru: My life in the bus lane
- Urban transport (megacities )
- Running on Empty
It is just a selection, not the definite list of must-view videos
Image from The Commons on Flickr.