The Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council has entrusted NAIDER with the technical assistance service to review and evaluate the “Industry Support Plan 2021-2024” (still under implementation), led by the Department of Economic Promotion, Employment, Trade and Tourism.

The Industry Support Plan is the City Council’s instrument for supporting local industry. Its aim is to strengthen the competitiveness of Vitoria-Gasteiz as an industrial city and it is a living instrument that is constantly updated and tries to anticipate the latest trends in competitiveness, innovation and sustainability.

The current plan, which NAIDER took part in drawing up and drafting, established six strategic objectives from which specific lines of action are derived. In recent years, actions have been materialised and tools have been generated, at the same time as other key agents in the industrial sector have been making progress in their commitments in relation to the Industry Plan. At this point, the review and evaluation process is set in motion to ascertain and analyse the coverage of the initiatives, and the scope and effectiveness of the activities carried out, with the subsequent aim of obtaining recommendations to maximise the Plan’s capacity for transformation.