
On July 7, Innobasque began the process of contrasting the results of the first analysis of perception of R+D+i carried out in the Basque Country. Around forty people met at different thematic work tables to share initial assessments of the conclusions that have already emerged from the answers provided by 250 people from the business, scientific-technological and social fields regarding their personal perception of the situation of R+D+I in the Basque Country in 29 different variables.

The session was conducted by the Innobasque technicians responsible for the project, called BIP – Basque Innovation Perception, and representatives of the different worlds that make up the Basque R&D+i ecosystem participated.

Naider, who has carried out the technical secretariat of the study, was in charge of dynamizing each of the work groups in order to bring out qualitative contributions to those obtained from the general survey.

The roundtables were held in a very cordial and participatory tone, showing the interest that this pioneering study has aroused in the Basque Country and with the vocation of becoming a main element in decision-making in the field of R+D+i in the coming years.

It is opportune to recognize the courage and high vision of Innobasque when launching this project whose conclusions will undoubtedly be very enriching but some may also be uncomfortable. From Naider we have turned to respond to this important challenge and have a methodologically impeccable study that can be replicated periodically.

In autumn the complete BIP 2016 report will be ready, which will be duly presented and disseminated.