Over the next two years Naider will assist in the development and implementation of the Regional Energy Plan of the Bajo Bidasoa region.
NAIDER will work closely over the next two years with the Bidasoa bizirik Development Agency and the two municipalities of the region, Irun and Hondarribia.
In the first phase, an Energy Plan will be drawn up to define specific actions for the period 2023-2027 with the objective of reducing energy consumption and promoting energy sustainability.
We will start by analyzing the urban planning and sectorial plans of the city councils and the strategic bases of the circular economy for the Bidasoa region. Then, a general diagnosis and positioning in energy and climate matters will be carried out, which will serve to properly implement the Basque energy sustainability regulations.
It is expected to obtain the map of opportunities for the implementation of renewable energies in the region and thus define the roadmap with different alternatives for action.
In the second phase, once the Plan has been defined, the first actions included in the Plan will be implemented in order to guarantee its coherence and effectiveness over time. At the same time, assistance will be provided to the two local councils so that they can materialise the energy transition in their municipalities.