The SCORE Project will hold the 1st Edition of its Training School from 6-8 June, in the framework of the EU Green Week 2023. The agenda of the event contains multiple activities, both online and in the coastal cities where the living labs (CCLLs) are located.
The first day of online presentations will feature a round table in Spanish, moderated by NAIDER, in which the main climate hazards of the CCLLs of Vilanova i la Geltrú, Oarsoaldea and Benidorm will be presented, and the potential impact of the implementation of sensors will be shared. The round table will bring together Ignacio Toledo Sepulcre from the Universitat d’Alacant, Mar Riera Spiegelhalder from ENT, and Xabier Sesma Korta from Oarsoaldea Garapen Agentzia.
Registration for the online presentations is now open.