Congratulations Haizea!
Our colleague Haizea Aguirre Puértolas, senior urban planner at Naider, has been awarded finalist in the TFG-TFM MONDRAGON Sariak Awards for her Master’s Thesis on ‘Innovative Financial Instruments Based on Circularity and Sufficiency for a Sustainable Built Environment in the European Union’, in the category of Energy-Climate Transformation – Decarbonization, Circular Economy and Climate Neutrality.
The work was carried out as a student of the Master’s Degree in Circular Economy: Application to Business of the UPV/EHU.
In the category, 70 works were evaluated by a jury composed of Ibon Antero Intxausti (Mondragon), Maria J. Sanz Sanchez (BC3), Aritz Otxandiano Kanpo (Fagor Taldea) and Haizea Gaztañaga Arantzamendi (Ikerlan).
For the three categories of the awards in its first edition, more than 260 works have been submitted from UPV/EHU, Mondragon Unibertsitatea, University of Deusto, and universities from 17 Spanish cities, Switzerland and Italy.