NAIDER has held its internal day of reflection at ATARIA, the interpretation centre of the Salburua park in the Green Belt of Vitoria-Gasteiz.

On Thursday 3 March 2022, at NAIDER we stopped our usual activity to focus on internal reflection. The NAIDER team went to Vitoria-Gasteiz, to a place of environmental relevance and urban transformation such as Salburua Park.

In the Ataria centre located in the green ring, we were able to consolidate and learn about the NAIDER project that we have built together. We also carried out dynamics that brought out the interconnections between the different activities we carry out. This allowed us to see how our daily work has a direct impact on society, on the cities and territories in which we intervene.

The walk we took through the Salburua park showed us the need for our work and the importance of strategic planning of a space to transform it into a better environment.

Than you very much to Ataria for letting us use the space and taking care of this environment.