The technicians and representatives of the municipalities of Bilbao, Galdakao, Abanto-Zierbena, Gernika-Lumo and Etxebarri have participated in the municipal environmental planning workshop carried out by the Naider team. The municipalities thus join Santurtzi, Zuia, Legutio and Bermeo in the positioning and future projection of environmental variables.
The Workshop is held in small working groups where participants are invited to share their concerns and environmental strategies in such a way that a meeting point is generated to interact, observe indicators and interpret the state of sustainability of the municipalities. The results reveal the environmental characteristics of the municipality, showing what are the strengths and weaknesses, to analyze them later from a critical point of view.
During the next few weeks we plan to continue convening workshops for local planning in environmental matters. If you want to position the municipality and see the possibilities of action, we invite you to ask us for more information by writing to us at the address< /strong>.