Last Sunday Sara Soloaga and Aitor Mingo, our colleagues from Naider, led a meeting on urban planning and sustainability in which, together with the participants, a very interesting debate was created and different reflections about the future of our cities as sustainable and naturalized environments. It was an opportunity to transfer technical and strategic knowledge to society and for concepts such as naturalization and more environmentally friendly forms of urban planning to begin to be integrated into the way of understanding our artificial environments.

This talk and the rest of the activities that took place throughout the weekend were part of the Bioconstruction conferences that Eh Bioeraikitzen organized and for which they set up two domes to house the different activities. Likewise, in one of the domes, set up as a greenhouse, numerous initiatives related to food and local and sustainable agriculture were exhibited.

Thank Eh Bioeraikitzen for the effort and work done for organizing such interesting and stimulating sessions.