Last Wednesday, 12th of December, Marta Iturriza and Asier Undabeitia, Naider colleagues, took part in the Consortium Meeting belonging to the European H2020 – Score project. This meeting, which takes place every 6 months, aims to share the progress made by each of the work packages or WPs. During the session each of the leaders of the different packages took the opportunity to present the progress made by their teams, as well as the main challenges they are facing. This meeting presented an ideal scenario for communication between the WPs in order to align lines of action and face the mentioned challenges in the most efficient way.
At the same meeting, the members of the advisory board that will be part of this project were introduced and were able to provide their position on coastal resilience. The meeting ended by finalising the next steps, including the first trips to the 10 selected European coastal cities. Cities where the first workshops for the implementation of the Coastal City Living Labs (CCLLs) will be held and where Naider will play an important role as a dynamiser.