Yesterday the Ortuella Municipal Schools Forum was held, in the context of the School Agenda 2030. In this forum, students from the three schools of Ortuella (Otxartaga, Ortuella BHI and San Felix Ikastola) had the opportunity to present to the Mayor of Ortuella the diagnosis carried out on Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Health and well-being). After explaining the results, the pupils from each school brought to the table the commitments they will make for the next school year and the requests they have for the town council. The mayor of Ortuella and the councillor for the environment were attentive to their words and pointed out that in the summer these requests would be discussed in the town council and would be answered for the new school year. Naider has been assisting Ortuella Town Council in the last year in environmental matters, as well as accompanying and guiding schools in the context of the School Agenda 2030.