Oarsoaldea Garapen Agentzia, the development agency of the region’s local councils, made up of Errenteria, Lezo, Oiartzun and Pasaia, will receive technical assistance from NAIDER for the implementation of the Oarsoaldea Regional Strategic Plan for the period 2026-2030.

Oarsoaldea, a historic industrial engine of the Gipuzkoa and Basque economy, is today a revitalised region, aware that the efforts to build, to promote processes and to activate cooperation do bear fruit. It has launched several initiatives that are benchmarks in different fields and continues to explore new opportunities for transformation to meet the challenges of today’s world.

Building on the work already done, the process of drafting the new strategic plan will define the lines of action in the field of socio-economic development for both the county councils and their development agency for the year 2030. At the same time, the links between the different actors in the region will be strengthened through the revision of the governance model and the relevant coordination mechanisms.

Main Picture: Steve Johnson, Unsplash