On Wednesday 14th June, the 63rd Udalsarea Technical Committee, the second of the year 2023, took place in Bilbao, in the auditorium of the Association of Basque Municipalities (EUDEL).

During the committee, information was provided on the activity of the network in the last quarter and the next lines of work were presented. Among the main issues discussed, information was provided on the order of aid for local sustainable development to be published in the coming weeks, details were shared on the call for the Lanbide programme for municipalities to employ young people in climate change and energy transition, and a seminar was held on the implications for local authorities of Law 7/2022 on waste and contaminated soils for a circular economy.

The meeting brought together more than 70 people, including technicians and managers from local councils, counties and organisations such as EUDEL, EVE-Basque Energy Agency, HAZI Foundation, and IHOBE itself as the coordinating body of the network, to which NAIDER provides technical support.