Naider, together with IHS (Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies) and Enoll (European Network of Living Labs) is conducting three days workshops in ten cities to implement the Coastal City Living Lab (CCLL) methodology and develop climate resilience.
Last week we conducted our first workshops in Oarsoaldea, Basque Country. During the three days the meetings lasted, different level stakeholders assisted to very productive and enriching sessions; public entities, private companies, academics and social groups. As part of the Score project, the aim of this first round of workshops is to set the basis to build a local CCLL and contribute to the capacity of building climatic resilience.
During the workshops we were able to work on key questions such as “What do we want to improve”, “what do we want to achieve?”, “who should be involved?” or “how do we do this?”.
Our last day ended with the symbolic signature concerning the commitment to build and sustain over time the CCLL of Orasoaldea.
We would like to special thanks to Oarsoaldea Development Agency as partner of the project for hosting us.
Next stop, Sligo! We will keep you updated!
Naider, IHS (Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies) eta Enoll-en (European Network of Living Labs) partaidetzarekin batera Score proiektuaren hiru eguneko tailerrak burutzen ari da. Tailerrek hiriek Coastal City Living Lab (CCLL) metodologia ezartzea du helburu, hauen erresilientzia klimatikoaren garapena sustatuz.
Joan den astean Score proiektuko lehen tailerrak egin genituen Oarsoaldean, Euskal Herria. Bilerek iraun zuten hiru egunetan eragile ezberdinak gerturatu ziren; entitate publikoak, enpresa pribatuak, akademikoak eta gizarte-taldeak. Score proiektuaren baitan, tailerren lehen txanda honen helburua tokiko CCLL bat eraikitzeko oinarriak ezartzea eta klima-erresilientziarako gaitasuna garatzen laguntzea da.
Tailerretan zehar funtsezko galderak lantzeko aukera izan genuen: “Zer hobetu nahi dugu?”, “Zer lortu nahi dugu?”, “Nork hartu behar du parte?” edo “nola egiten dugu hau?”.
Gure azken eguna Orasoaldeko CCLL eraikitzeko eta denboran zehar mantentzeko konpromisoaren sinadura sinbolikoarekin amaitu zen.
Proiektuaren kide bezala, Oarsoaldeako Garapen Agentziari eskerrak eman nahi dizkiogu tailerraren harreragatik.
Hurrengo geltokia, Sligo! Informazioa partekatzen jarraituko degu!