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Gender gap remains a critical issue globally, as the World Economic forum highlighted in the latest report. It continues to hinder progress and limiting opportunities for women worldwide. Although gender parity has slightly improved globally from previous years according to the World Economic Forum, it is still a very slow process, and affects all segments…
Dealroom’s latest report on the Spanish tech scene is out! And it confirms that Spain still lags behind most western European countries when it comes to tech. However, it also shows the Spanish ecosystem is growing extremely fast, and Spanish venture capital funds (VCs) have quite an opportunity to position themselves as major players at…
Many researchers develop technologies that can have a major impact on society, but they often do not know how to proceed. In fact, words like patents, industry or commercialisation may sound daunting to them, unaware that there are departments in universities and research centres that do just that. These departments are called offices for the…